Here’s a bit of what we’re all about

Men Making Miles is a non profit community program with one goal in mind:
to show the lads of Aotearoa that speaking up rather than hardening up is the way forward.

Our classes tackle male mental health challenges head on by combining open chat sessions with
fun combat sports training to strengthen the mind and body.

Enough from us, here’s what our lads have said:

When we are willing to be vulnerable in front of others, and show a willingness to discuss our individual struggles — peers are willing to share insights.
— Founding MEMBER
The exercise aspect is amazing. We are taught controlled aggression, boxing, kick boxing, BJJ and
wrestling techniques. Don’t get me wrong it is bloody hard, but at the end you have such a sense of
achievement and comradery with everyone there.
Everyone who attends is willing to open up to the group and discuss personal struggles.. as well as achievements.
— Founding MEMBER
Realness and vulnerability through sharing makes what we talk about real and authentic. Men Making Miles is exactly what I needed at a time I needed it most.

Now that you’ve read all of that, what are you waiting for?

  • Duncan Lyons

  • Eruera Piwari

  • Mitch Watson

Please consider signing up.
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